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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

how to add fraction and whole number, improper fraction, mixed numbers

Addition of fraction and whole numbers
1. 1/3 + 5 = 5 1/3
2. 4/6 + 12 = 12 4/6   or 12 2/3

Addition of fraction and improper fraction
Pre requisite : how to add fractions with different denominators
1. 2/5 + 9/4 =

    2(4)  + 9 (5)   =
    5(4)      4(5)

      8   + 45       = 
      20    20     

        53    or 2 13/20

2.    5/7 + 6/5 =

       5(5) + 6(7)  =
       7(5)    5(7)

         25   +  42    =
         35       35 

         67     or  1 32/35

Addition of fraction and mixed numbers
1. 4/9 + 3 1/4 =

     4/9 +  13/4                      3  1/4 = (4)(3)+1 =13/4   changed to improper fraction

      4(4)  + 13 (9) =
     9(4)        4(9)

      16     +   117  =
      36           36

      133    or  3 25/36
Addition of mixed numbers and mixed numbers

2.  2 2/3  + 4 1/5  =       both mixed numbers

     8/3   +  21/5   =           changed to improper fractions

     8(5)   + 21(3)  =
     3(5)       5(3)

      40    +   63  =
      15         15

      103  or   6  13/15

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