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Monday, June 20, 2016

how to subtract integers

to subtract the two integers , change the sign of the subtrahend and proceed to the law of addition of integers.
1. (-9) - (5)
    (-9) + (-5)  = -14    change the sign of the subtrahend integer and proceed to the law of
                                   addition of integers   ( see addition of integers with like signs)

2. (20) - (-45)
    (20) + (45)  =  65    change the sign of the subtrahend integer and proceed to the law of
                                   addition of integers   ( see addition of integers with like signs)     

3. (20) - (45)
    (20) +(-45)  =  -25 change the sign of the subtrahend integer and proceed to the law of
                                   addition of integers   ( see addition of integers with unlike signs)
4. (-55)- (-40)
    (-55) + (40)  = -15 change the sign of the subtrahend integer and proceed to the law of
                                   addition of integers   ( see addition of integers with like signs)
to be continued.....
contact us pepitodalupe@gmail.com

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